1-4 December, 2022


Notifications to Officials

Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to be officials on #AlpineRally100.

Notifications were be sent out by email, on 21 November. 

Please keep an eye on your email. If you haven’t received an email the first thing to do is look in your spam folder. Then, if its not in spam, contact Officials Coordinator, Dee Knight, on officials@alpinerally.org.au.


Camping and campfires

Many officials have chosen to camp out at or near their control or road closure. 

With current fire danger ratings, Forest Fire Management have confirmed that campfires are permitted, provided they are sized and managed properly – which includes being extinguished with water.  Of course, if we have a Total Fire Ban day that changes – ALL campfires and solid fuel barbeques are banned.  See FFMV’s brochure for more information: 

FFMV Can I? Can’t I? Campfires and Barbeques

Celebration Dinner

The Alpine Rally Celebration Dinner will be held on Sunday evening, 4 December. It’s usually a fun night, with the focus on socialising, relaxing and lots of stories from the event. Order your tickets here:

Celebration Dinner Tickets Order Form

Discover East Gippsland...

While in East Gippsland, please support the local communities with your custom. They have so strongly supported this event over a number of years and without them we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

See more on our Discover East Gippsland page

Page banner:
A start control on an Alpine, manned by (LtoR) Ian Ellis, Geoff Boyd and Peter Stapleton from the Ballarat Light Car Club. Pic by Alan Baker, from the HRA collection.