1-4 December, 2022

Road Closures

The roads below will be closed for the conduct of the Alpine Rally of East Gippsland on the dates and times shown. This includes forest and shire roads in the Shire of East Gippsland. Advisory signs have been placed on affected roads 4 weeks prior to the closure.

This motorsport event is sanctioned by Motorsport Australia with approvals from DELWP and the Shire of East Gippsland and Victoria Police have been notified.

Spectating will be available during the event – Spectator Guides are on the Spectators page.

If you need further information, please contact us

Thursday 1/12/2022

  • Swan Reach Rd – West Boundary Rd – Cunningham Rd – Bruce Rd – Gray Tk 12:20pm-6:30pm
  • Reformatory Rd – Kenny Rd 12:40pm-6:50pm
  • Berkley Square Rd – Blackfellows Rd – Wylds Rd – South Boundary Rd – Hoggs Lane 1:15pm-7:30pm

Friday 2/12/2022

  • Old Colquhoun Rd – Long Hill Tk 8:00am-2:00pm
  • Partellis Crossing Rd – Mahogany Rd – Hartland River Rd – Carl Smith Rd 8:20am-2:30pm
  • South Boundary Rd – Breakneck Tk – Storers Tk – Ross Tk – Coulsons Rd 9:30am-3:40pm
  • Cooney Ridge Rd 9:45am-4:00pm
  • Pinnack Rd – Yalmy Rd 10:15am-4:15pm
  • Rocky River Tk – Rocky River Rd – Murrungowar Rd – Glen Arte Rd – Puggaree Rd – Bendoc Ridge Rd 12:30pm-7:10pm
  • Wombat Link Tk – Irish Waterholes Rd – Circle Link – Circle Rd – Old Orbost Ext Rd 3:30pm-9:30pm
  • Carl Smith Rd 3:40pm-9:45pm
  • Three Mile Rd – Nowa Nowa Buchan Rd – Five Mile Rd – Harris Creek Rd 4:00pm-10:00pm

Saturday 3/12/2022

  • Bentleys Plain Rd – Nunniong Rd 8:45pm-2:45pm
  • Tongio Gap Rd – Splitters Rd – Splitters Range Rd – McKenzies Tk 9:40am-3:30pm
  • Lake Omeo Rd – Whites Rd – Hinnomunjie Connection (Blowhard Rd) 10:10am-3:45pm
  • Rodgers St – Hallets Rd – Cousins Ln 12:00pm-5:40pm
  • Dorothy Cutting – Angora Range Rd 1:35pm-7:30pm

Sunday 4/12/2022

  • Nowa Nowa Buchan Rd – Seven Mile Rd – Canni Rd 8:30am-2:00pm
  • Frog Hollow Rd – Holloways Rd – Kenny Rd – Moonlight Rd – Watershed Rd – Dead Horse Creek Rd – Old Mill Rd – Six Mile Rd 9:00am-2:40pm
  • Ash Range Rd – Engineers Rd – Pipe Dump Rd 10:45pm-4:15pm
  • Old Man Hill Rd – Nicholson Creek Rd – Deep Creek Rd 11:30am-4:45pm
  • Wards Rd – Bruce Rd – Ford Tk – Uncles Rd – Blackfellows Rd. 12:30-5:50pm.

This car competed in the 1922 Alpine Trial, conducted by the RACV. It’s pictured here at the RACVs Alpine Trial celebration run in October.