RETURNING Late 2025…

Alpine Rally Status Update – “Thunderbirds Are GO”

The Lock & Load Alpine Rally of East Gippsland is now full steam ahead after getting the approval from Dept of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) to stage the event.

Weather conditions have been far kinder to East Gippsland recently than many other regions in Victoria and the roads we plan on using are holding up very well indeed. The other positive factor is the two week forecast which is suggesting a sustained dryer spell up to and including the days of the event.

As we have outlined in recent posts the roads we have selected for the event in 2022 are in remarkably good condition and we fully expect to put on one of the best ever Alpine Rally’s in recent memory.

Thunderbirds are definitely GO!

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#AlpineRally100 Results

Results for the 2022 Lock & Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland are now available on our Results page.  Owen Polanski  Clerk of the

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