1-4 December, 2022

How to do links with multiple fiters: 
  • link https://alpinerally.org.au/category/posts/galleries/  
    presents all posts with category “galleries”
  • link https://alpinerally.org.au/tag/alp09/
    presents all posts with tag “alp09”
  • link https://alpinerally.org.au/?cat=77&tag=alp09
    presents posts with category 77 (heritage) AND tag alp09
  • link https://alpinerally.org.au/?cat=2&tag=alp21,alp19
    presents posts with category 2 (blog) AND tag alp21 or alp19
  • link https://alpinerally.org.au/?cat=2&tag=alp21+alpine-team  
    presents posts with category 2 (blog) AND tags alp21 AND alpine-team   

To find the cat number go into the WP Dashboard, go to Posts > Categories and edit a category. The ID of that category can be found in the middle of the edit page URL…
eg  https://alpinerally.org.au/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=category&tag_ID=2&post_type=post&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dcategory
in this case, you can see ID=2 in the URL. That’s for category = blog. 

These link will gather all posts that satisfy the parameters and present them in a posts archive template – the archive-default template or a specific template for a category if there is one. Eg, you could have a different archive template form for heritage post or news posts, with all the others being handled by archive.default. 

a row of 13 alpine rally caps

Alpine Rally caps from 2001

Steve Hollowood, the Alpine Rally Road Director, has a few strange habits, including collecting caps. Among his hundreds of caps are all of the HRA

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Ben Barker/Damien Long, winners 2017 Alpine.

2017 Alpine Rally gallery

Diabolical weather conditions plagued the 2017 Alpine Rally of East Gippsland. There were some amazing displays of driving in very tricky conditions – a lot

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