1-4 December, 2022

Calling All Officials

Rallying needs volunteer officials – and lots of them!

Never has this been more evident than in the 2022 Lock and Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland.

The areas and the roads we are allowed to use for rallying in Victoria diminishes every year.  Events are required by law to physically restrict entry by the public into the areas and on the roads being used as Special Stages. The best method of doing this is by manning all roads which provide access to the rally area.

That means a lot of road closure officials are required.

While the 2022 Lock and Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland has adequate numbers of officials volunteering to be Scrutineers, Control Officials, Stage Commanders, Zero Car Crews, Recovery crews, Spectator Marshals and the plethora of administrative positions needed for an event the size of an Alpine Rally, it has become necessary to take drastic measures in order ensure that the event can go ahead.

As in previous years, Organisers of the 2022 Lock and Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland are again requiring each and every competing crew to nominate and supply a person or group of people who are able to undertake some simple, but essential tasks in the Forest.

This has really been a last resort situation and one which the Organisers have been loath to take, however the alternative is not to run the event. 

Clerk of Course, Owen Polanski said, “We need 450 officials to run this year’s Alpine, and there is just not that many people on our list! So we are requiring each crew that enters to supply a group of officials – it may be one or more – who will be able to provide security for the course at a road closure on at least one day of the four day event.”

“It’s something we have done for the last few events and it has generally proved to be successful.”

“More importantly, we were able to conduct the event knowing that all the crews were safe and the Special Stages were secure from unwanted vehicle intrusions – the last thing you want in a rally, I can tell you!”

Organisers however found that some of the nominated officials were poorly equipped for the (simple) tasks required, or they were not able to arrive at the pick-up location or in one case, Organisers had to make some emergency alternatives when it was discovered that one official who was arranged by a competing crew was 8 months pregnant and her location was going to need to be manned for 6 hours!

“So we need to make sure we can put square pegs into square holes and match up people skills and availability with the requirements to run the rally.  It’s an unbelievable logistical nightmare, but we are determined to ensure everyone has a great Alpine Rally experience!” Polanski continued.

Special arrangements will be able to be made for some “far away” interstate or International crews, whereby they will be able to “buy” an official from a Local Service club.  The fee of course will go to the Service Club. 

Organisers would prefer not to have to make those type of arrangements and they will only be available on special request from the “far away” interstate crew.

“Our aim is to have each crew donate at least one person.  After all it’s the crews who will benefit from the exercise.  Rallying is a wonderful community so we have high hopes that everyone will understand and put their best mate forward.”

Competitors will be asked to provide details of their “donor official” so Organisers can arrange things in the best possible way.

If you would like to register as an official for the 2022 Lock and Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland, please complete the Officials Registration form.

To stay up to date with the latest Lock & Load Alpine Rally of East Gippsland news go to  alpinerally.org.au

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#AlpineRally100 Results

Results for the 2022 Lock & Load Transport Alpine Rally of East Gippsland are now available on our Results page.  Owen Polanski  Clerk of the

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